Zuchu was reported to have unfollowed both Diamond Platnumz and his media house, Wasafi FM, on social media. The action followed hours after she publicly complained about the alleged harassment she faced from the station. She was said to have expressed intentions to take legal action against Wasafi FM for their reporting.

According to reports, the “Naringa” singer also removed “signed under WCB” from her bio, signaling a break from the label. It was noted that this move appeared to reflect deeper tension in her relationship with Diamond, which had reportedly been on and off.

Zuchu was heard to have criticized Wasafi FM’s ‘Mashamsham’ show, which, she claimed, had been damaging her reputation by mentioning her but not Diamond in their discussions. She was said to have shared her frustrations on social media, questioning what she had done to deserve such continuous attacks.

In response to a video circulating online, where Wasafi FM presenters reacted to Zuchu’s recent statements about marriage, Zuchu was reported to have expressed her pain over the way she was being treated. It was said that she had frequently spoken about marriage in public, especially in 2024, using their music to drop hints, but the constant scrutiny was taking a toll on her.

Zuchu’s message on social media was described as one of defiance and hurt. She reportedly stated that it was not necessary for Diamond to marry her and that the radio station should move on to other topics. She also accused Wasafi FM of disrespecting her work, suggesting that their focus shifted to her whenever Diamond was involved with someone else.

She was quoted saying, “If it’s easy to be his woman, tell those you want him to date to go and date him,” advising the station to stay out of her personal life. Zuchu also made it clear that her boundaries should be respected, adding, “Tell him to leave me alone and see if I will follow him.”

Her message was reportedly received with a mixture of shock and concern, as it highlighted the emotional toll that the ongoing drama had on her.


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