Zari, known as the Boss Lady, is a brand influencer for Samsung Electronics East Africa. She is set to earn Ksh 14.4 million from her new endorsement deal with the company.

Zari is excited about her partnership with Samsung. She said, “It’s an honor and pleasure to work with them again after our successful past collaboration. I can’t wait to see what we’ll create this time.”

She signed the deal in January 2024, and it will last for 18 months. Reports say she will earn about Ksh 800,000 each month.

Apart from Samsung, Zari also works with other brands, including Fine Urban Interiors, a construction and interior company. She earned Ksh 1.7 million from this deal.

Zari is one of the highest-paid influencers in East Africa. She credits her success to juggling many roles and staying true to her character.

“There’s a lot to Zari. I’m a mother, businesswoman, influencer, former artist, and now a reality TV star. I motivate people, especially young girls, to work hard. That’s why brands want to work with me,” she said.

Zari is also the CEO of Brooklyn City College in South Africa. She lives in a mansion in Pretoria with her five children.


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