Yuzzo Mwamba - Namfuata Kariakoo
Yuzzo Mwamba - Namfuata Kariakoo
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AUDIO | Yuzzo Mwamba – Namfuata Kariakoo | DOWNLOAD

Yuzzo Mwamba, Born Yusuph Nizar is a HipHop artist who emerged after winning the bongo star search competition (Bss 2020) . He is the C.E.O & Captain: Wanangu wa @047_gang, a energetic movement of youth that is unite. Today he returned with a new song due to the accident that happened in the main market in Dar eS Salaam Kariakoo named the song “I follow Kariakoo”. Stream and enjoy this song below

Listen to “Yuzzo Mwamba – Namfuata Kariakoo” below

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