Saida Karoli - Omfudo Mwoyo Ft Kyzzoboy Obiyo
Saida Karoli - Omfudo Mwoyo Ft Kyzzoboy Obiyo
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AUDIO | Saida Karoli – Omfudo Mwoyo Ft Kyzzoboy Obiyo | DOWNLOAD

Saida Karoli is a Tanzanian singer and traditional singer who has performed live in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the DRC. Karoli was born in 1976 in Rwongwe, a small village in Bukoba Rural District in northern Tanzania, Kagera Region on the west side of Lake Victoria. So today he has decided to surprise his fans by bringing them a song gift of his new song known as “Omfudo Omwoyo” another featuring an artist called Kyzzoboy. Stream and enjoy below

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